Tesla Autopilot


There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” – Brene Brown.

            Ever get tired of monitoring everything around you while driving? Ever wonder if there was a solution to this never ending tiresome experience in your road trips, drive to school or office and leisure driving? Isn’t it time to end your suffering and start to relax after a long day’s work? Are you afraid of accidents and other types of driving mishaps? Get ready to be blown away by one the most advanced and one of the most chosen driving solutions in the car industry, the Tesla Autopilot.

First of all, Tesla Autopilot provides almost the same purpose as that of an autopilot of a plane. You now have a glimpse of what this technology can do. When you’re in traffic in a very stressful and very hot day, what do you do? You almost can’t think of anything to calm down because of the heavy environment, your hands on your stirring wheel and the irritating sounds from other cars. Don’t forget the never ending monitoring if your bumper is going to hit the front of the other car behind you and vice versa. Tesla Autopilot relieves you of your duties and lets you have enough space and time to relax and let you have a carefree environment because it does everything for you. It can sense objects 16 feet away thus giving you a wider range of surveillance to let you know the distance of your car from others and therefore giving you a more secure and safer driving experience because of the information and modernity that it provides.bumper

Second, Tesla Autopilot completely takes over your car from the stirring until the very speed of your car as long as you have a connected application or software that lets the machine know the direction and the appropriate speed for your car. See? More safety and more easy! You just need to sit back and let the technology do all the work. Well of course not every invention is perfect. Tesla Autopilot is only applicable to tesla cars or electricity generated cars. Mechanical cars lack the sufficient connecting technology and data transfer mechanism that’s why the autopilot cannot be installed. But many car companies that provide tesla cars are now installing tesla autopilot to their models to make their consumers feel safer and more secure.

Since the development and application of this technology, car crashing accidents have decreased according to statistics of different driving associated accidents group which made tesla autopilot more advisable for accident-fearing buyers.


Reference: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600772/10-breakthrough-technologies-2016-tesla-autopilot/


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